Comments on: Pork and Corn Soup Chinese Recipes and Eating Culture Thu, 13 Apr 2023 05:16:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elaine Sat, 07 Jul 2018 12:41:05 +0000 In reply to STEVE SALLOOM.

Thanks Steve for your comment.

Yes, it is the real example how simple ingredients create good flavors together. Gold to know you loved it. Happy cooking!!

By: STEVE SALLOOM Sat, 07 Jul 2018 09:11:27 +0000 5 stars
Dear Elaine,

I made this recipe with about 6 pounds (2 3/4 kg) of pork spare ribs. The quantities of the other ingredients were adjusted accordingly. The soup came out very good. Some members of my family added soy sauce to the soup and they also enjoyed it more. I think I must have overcooked the ribs because most of the meat fell of the bones. The main point is the meat was soft and tender.

Another successful recipe from Elaine’s Kitchen that I was happy and delighted to make. Thank you Elaine for all the wonderful recipes that I made from your kitchen.

By: Elaine Fri, 18 May 2018 01:06:50 +0000 In reply to Ms Jimi.

Currently No. Sorry.

By: Ms Jimi Wed, 16 May 2018 13:53:29 +0000 Hi,
I have been looking for a corn soup I tried years ago that is creamy with ham in it. Its made with corn, and chicken stock for the base. Have you a recipe?

By: Andreas Fri, 11 May 2018 21:05:28 +0000 5 stars
In reply to Elaine.

Don’t worry Elaine. Those little spelling mistakes are probably as common as getting some little cuts and burns in the kitchen. Even more so when publishing such an amazing amount of recipes as you do, and that in a language that’s so different from your native one.

Anyhow, I tried the soup and really liked it. I used ribs, but I can get pork “Soup Bones” here as well albeit they are typically cut into smaller pieces. So thank you for that piece of information.

Unfortunately I had to use precooked corn cobs as I get fresh ones only in late summer and early autumn. But as I said, the soup tasted great nonetheless.

By: Elaine Mon, 07 May 2018 00:08:14 +0000 In reply to Andreas.

Ops, Andreas. I made it so horrible. It should be ginger definitely.
In winter days, I use big leg bones, usually with a thin layer of meat but no skins. That type of bone is mainly sold for soups.

By: Andreas Sun, 06 May 2018 20:33:15 +0000 Hi Elaine,

what do you mean by “big bones”, the ones from the leg? Do you use them with, or without the meat (and skin) for this recipe?

Also It says “1 small chunk of finger” in the list of ingredients which made me chuckle. Even though I just recently did that after I bought some very sharp knives at the Chinese store I don’t think that’s a common ingredient 🙂
